Team Leader – Adventure

Hello there,
I’m Alistair and the prospect of being Team Leader for Adventure is beyond exciting.
I am passionate about adventure in all its guises and scouting played a large part in introducing me to adventurous activities. The desire to share that passion led to my career in Geography and outdoor education as well as keeping me involved in scouting all my life.
I have run every section bar Squirrels – mostly within the group I started as a Cub Scout (Scouts, Ventures and Beavers) although I did earn my dragons being both a Cub and Scout leader in Newport, South Wales. I have helped Wallasey District with Explorers since their inception. I also spent a few years as County Scout Network Commissioner following an extended stint as District Commissioner in Wallasey.
I have been an assessor for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Expeditions for over 30 years and have done so all over Britain and even in France. I assess not only for scouts but also for a variety of educational centres.
My last role was ACC International and that is an essential part of adventure – be it leading a Jamboree unit, an Explorer Belt Expedition, visits to Kandersteg or international camps in the UK. Making international adventures accessible to all led John Cadman and I to set up some one-day activities in Amsterdam and Dublin.
I am looking forward to helping others get involved in all aspects of adventure – from activity permit holders to First Aid, activity assessors to Tawd Vale SASU and nights away training to international visits. Scouting is one big adventure and adventure is the best way to learn.
As Dr. Seuss says “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so…. Get on your way”
Team Leader Adventure Areas of Responsibility