Engagement Maestro

Where: Merseyside Scouts, 3rd Floor, Stanley Building, 43 Hanover Street, Liverpool L1 3DN Contact: Merseyside Scouts Contact Email: [email protected] Contact Phone: 01517072671 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

What we need our Maestro to Master:

  • Building a team that generates written and image based content
  • Delivering a communications strategy across Merseyside
  • Creating a rolling plan of content, assign team members to support
  • Work joined up with other volunteers to reuse content and share resources.
  • Seek out good news stories and develop content (images, quotes, video, story)
  • Develop contacts and pitch stories to print, online, radio and TV outlets
  • Create a plan and monitor media coverage and reviews output
  • Share our amazing news stories, quickly and effectively, embracing The Scouts Brand

Make sure teams across the County:

  • Work well on their own (and together).  
  • Are inclusive and reflect the demographics of their local area.  
  • Have the resources, skills, and enthusiasm, to deliver the Scouts strategy 
  • Volunteers in the County’s teams have the skills and experience to fulfil their safety and safeguarding responsibilities, including by keeping up to date with changes, and being aware of safety and safeguarding concerns within the County. 
  • Volunteers are aware of Our Volunteering Culture, reflect on it, commit to it, and apply it in their teams.  

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